Fit Carrot-Apple Pie
A recipe for a healthier pie that you can enjoy with your coffee without any guilt. Very tasty and nutritious, suitable for breakfast as well.
- 1 pcs apple
- 2 pcs carrot
- 100 g Apple nutrition without sugar
- 70 g Of mixed oat flakes
- 30 g Of oat flakes
- 30 g Protein
- 50 g Of ground walnuts
- 2 pcs Eggs
- 1 ts baking powder
- 1 ts Tea Bicarbonate Sodas
- 50 g sugar / honey
- 100 ml milk
- 1⁄2 packing vanilla pudding
- 250 ml milk
- 100 g Fine curd
- 15 g vanilla protein
- 2 ts cinnamon
- vanilla Sweetener flavdrops
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Grate the apple and carrot finely.
We add yolks, nutrition, honey and milk and mix. Then we add dry ingredients and mix.
Beat the egg whites into stiff peaks and mix into the prepared mixture.
Pour the mixture into a round baking tin (26cm in diameter) lined with baking paper and bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
We will cook the vanilla pudding in 250ml of milk, together with flavdrops and a teaspoon of cinnamon. In a bowl, mix the curd with protein and cinnamon. Stir the curd mixture into the pudding.
Spread the prepared pudding cream over the baked and cooled crust.
I also used almond butter on top.