Source: Pixabay: angelorosa

Pasta with minced meat

Casseroles are a favourite of many, and in our family we are no exception. We love the minced meat version, so I decided to share the recipe with you. I hope it will be as big a favourite for you as it is for us in the family!



number of servings
  • 500 g pasta Added to
  • 500 g Minced meat (beef or pork) Added to
  • 2 Head onion Added to
  • 2 tablespoon oil Added to
  • 1 tablespoon red peppers Added to
  • 1 tablespoon marjoram Added to
  • 2 clove garlic Added to
  • 1 l sour cream Added to
  • 200 g cheese Added to
  • Salt, pepper to taste Added to


90 min.
1. Step

PREPARATION: Prepare all the ingredients, remembering that thorough preparation is the secret to successful cooking.

2. Step

Boil the pasta in salted water, then drain. It is important not to cook it too soft, as it will soften in the oven.

3. Step

Fry the onion in the oil, add the garlic and minced meat. Always stir the meat thoroughly to prevent it from sticking together.

4. Step

Add all the spices to the minced meat and season with salt and pepper to taste. Remember, good seasoning is essential.

5. Step

TO SERVE: Grease a deep baking dish, spread half of the dough in it, top with the meat casserole, then the rest of the dough, and top with sour cream and grated cheese.

6. Step

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until the top is a nice golden brown. It is important to place the pan on the bottom so that the top does not burn.

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