Christmas recipes - quick and easy recipes - page 10

160 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Christmas recipes. How about trying one of these 160 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 480 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Cheesecake Recipe Easy, Baked lamb chops easy recipe, Traditional gingerbread recipe, The best vanilla cupcakes you'll love.

Recipe preview Fish tacos

Fish tacos

This healthy and delicious fish tacos recipe has all the creamy, crunchy fresh ingredients you could ask for. This is the best tacos recipe with lots of perfectly seasoned fried fish in every bite.

Easy cheesecake recipe

Learn how to make the perfect cheesecake for your desserts needs.

How to make the best focaccia bread recipe

Focaccia is a great bread that everyone should know how to make

The best vegetable ratatouile in the world

Honestly, I also thought that food composed only of vegetables could not be as good as having meat on a plate, but the opposite is true. Ratatouille has become one of the dishes that I will cook regularly.


For starters, forget about burgers once and for all as the most specific attribute of urban fast food. Nowadays, the classic burger is served in fast food. In luxury restaurants, exquisitely prepared buns with minced meat can often be found even on the me

Roast chicken

Roast chicken with garlic, butter, and herbs, then baked to golden, crispy, and juicy deliciousness! This is the BEST roast chicken, and it is excellent for weekend or weeknight dinners because it is easy to cook and flavorful.

Baked potatoes

An American classic that also has many friends here in Europe. Baked potatoes taste good as a side dish to a juicy steak but are also a pleasure on their own!


Scallops is a yummy recipe Baked in the lower third of the oven preheated to 170 °, with heat up and down, only five minutes.


Every single ingredient in this dish is super healthy in itself. Together, they make the perfect mix of healthy fats (salmon and avocado), filling carbohydrates (rice), and proteins (salmon, edamame).
Recipe preview Easy Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Easy Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Easy recipe perfect for the autumn season.

Best homemade banana bread recipe

Do you have bananas left at home that are already overlooked and nobody wants them? Simple, healthy and currently very popular banana bread manages to bake at home.
Recipe preview An easy way to make cheat's chicken ramen

An easy way to make cheat's chicken ramen

Really good Japanese ramen is an art form that any visit behind the curtains of a ramen joint in Tokyo will prove.By no means a traditional ramen but close enough and if anything, a chicken noodle soup to soothe the soul.

An easy way to make coctail margarita

One of the cocktail recipes that you can count on!
Recipe preview How to make chocolate chips cookies
Photo recipe

How to make chocolate chips cookies

This is the best chocolate chip cookies recipe ever! No funny ingredients, no chilling time, etc. Just a simple, straightforward, amazingly delicious, doughy yet still fully cooked, chocolate chip cookie that turns out perfectly every single time!
Recipe preview Simple and traditional way of making beef stroganoff

Simple and traditional way of making beef stroganoff

Rich and indulgent beef stroganoff with ribeye steak and mushrooms is a real treat dinner. It’s also ready in less than 20 minutes! Perfect for Valentine's day.
Recipe preview Homemade pancakes recipe without eggs

Homemade pancakes recipe without eggs

One would not believe that pancakes can be made without eggs. This recipe will convince you of that.