Source: Firn via iStockPhotos

Baumkuchen tips for Christmas

For me, these wonderful Baumkuchenspitzen are as much a part of the Christmas season as the Christmas tree itself. I've made them countless times and each time it's a little celebration to see the golden brown, fragrant cake emerge layer by layer. With my procedure and a little patience, you are sure to succeed in making these delicious Baumkuchenspitzen.



number of servings

For the dough:

  • 6 Eggs Added to
  • 250 g sugar Added to
  • 1 Packet vanilla sugar Added to
  • 200 g Marzipan paste Added to
  • Zest of one organic lemon Added to
  • 250 g softened butter Added to
  • 250 g self-rising flour Added to
  • 1 Packet baking soda Added to

For the glaze:

  • 200 g bittersweet chocolate Added to
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil Added to


100 min.
1. Step

1. to bake the Baumkuchenspitzen, first preheat the oven to 250 degrees top/bottom heat. Then grease a loaf tin and put it to one side.

2. Step

Then we separate the eggs. I always do this carefully because the egg yolks have a major influence on the consistency of the dough.

3. Step

In a large bowl, mix the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar. Knead in the marzipan paste (a little tip: if the marzipan is too hard, you can warm it up a little beforehand). Then add the lemon zest and softened butter and mix everything well.

4. Step

In the next step, mix the flour and baking powder and gradually sift it into the egg mixture to avoid large lumps.

5. Step

Now beat the egg whites until stiff and carefully fold them into the batter.

6. Step

Now it's time for the layers: Pour about 2 tbsp of our batter into the prepared loaf tin and spread it evenly. Repeat this process about 10-12 times and bake the cake for 3-4 minutes per layer.

7. Step

When there is no batter left, take the cake out of the oven and leave to cool thoroughly.

8. Step

Meanwhile, melt the chocolate over a bain-marie. Once the cake has cooled and turned out, cut it into cubes. Dip these cubes into the melted chocolate and leave to drain on a wire rack. Our wonderful festive Baumkuchenspitzen are ready!

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