Source: Pixabay: cegoh

Marinated pork leg for Christmas recipe

Marinated pork leg is a classic in our family during Christmas. This dish is a delicacy that is not missing in our celebrations. It is a juicy, tasty dish with a touch of spices that makes this dish irresistible. I have prepared this recipe several times and I think it is a dish that is easier to make than it looks, but it requires a little time and patience to get a really spectacular result.



number of servings
  • 1 leg Pork (5 kg) Added to
  • salt and pepper to taste Added to
  • 10 clove mashed garlic Added to
  • 1 mug of orange juice Added to
  • 1 mug of lemon juice Added to
  • 1 mug of white wine Added to
  • 1 branch Of fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, laurel) Added to
  • 1 tablespoon cumin Added to
  • 2 cdas oregano Added to
  • 3 sheets Laurel Added to
  • 2 cdas of olive oil Added to
  • 2 cdas brown sugar Added to


360 min.
1. Step

The first step is to prepare the marinade. In a large bowl mix the orange and lemon juices, white wine, garlic, fresh herbs, cumin, oregano, and a pinch of salt and pepper. It is important to mix the ingredients well so that the flavors blend.

2. Step

Then, take the pork leg and make small cuts in its surface so that the marinade penetrates well. Place it in a large bowl and bathe it with the marinade, making sure it covers the entire surface. Tip: Remember to rotate and turn the leg as you marinate it so that the flavors permeate evenly. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and let it rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

3. Step

Once the marinating time is over, preheat the oven to 180ºC. Place the leg on a baking sheet with a rack and sprinkle with the brown sugar. This will help to achieve a delicious glaze on the pork.

4. Step

Bake for 6 hours, basting every half hour with its own juices, this is a key step to keep the leg juicy and full of flavor. When there are about 30 minutes to go, increase the temperature to 220ºC to brown the surface.

5. Step

Remove the leg from the oven and let it rest for 15 minutes before slicing.

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