Preview of Gluten-free cake

Gluten-free cake - quick and easy recipes

65 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category Gluten-free cake. How about trying one of these 65 recipes today? Preparation time 5 - 500 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Homemade Custard Powder Recipe, Easy and quick pumpkin cheesecake recipe for Halloween, Crunchy chocolate chip cookies thermomix recipe, Mini cheesecake cookies. Will you try one out?

Courgette cake with a fruit layer

Courgette in a cake is a fairly common thing. I came up with this one, complemented with a raspberry-currant layer and chocolate. And it's gluten-free.

No-Bake Carrot Cake

A carrot cake that needs no baking. Healthy, simple, and tasty.

Pear Cake with Gluten-Free Flour

I love experimenting in the kitchen and while baking. That's how this cake was born, for which I decided to use gluten-free tapioca flour.

Banana Strawberry Popsicles

Have you tried homemade popsicles yet? You can easily prepare them. And they can also be healthy since you know exactly what you put in them. These are in the flavor of banana and strawberry, but it doesn't matter if you don't have fresh strawberries at home.

Crumble Curd Cake with Currants

Looking for a tasty dessert that is easy to prepare and not a typical dry cake? Try this crumble with curd and currants. You can also replace the fruit with others.

Banana Chocolate Bread

A few ingredients are enough for a healthy banana chocolate bread. Plus, it's a gluten-free recipe

Pear and Plum Crumble

Do you have a lot of fruit? Prepare crumble for breakfast. Tasty and healthy. You only need a few ingredients and you're ready in no time.

Peach Ice Cream

Homemade ice cream. You will only need a few ingredients, it's easy to prepare and it's definitely healthier than the one from the store.

Simple and fast cookies

Fast, healthy cookies from three main ingredients. You can supplement and vary them according to yourself

Baked Pear

I prepared a baked pear, but an apple is also great. I’m also adding a quick recipe but you can guesstimate the ingredients according to the size of the fruit 🥰

Gluten-Free Poppy Seed Cake

Do you like poppy seeds and are planning a celebration? This cake is the perfect choice.

Apple and Poppy Seed Cake with Millet

Have you tried millet in a dessert yet? Nutritious and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

No-bake Coconut Squares with Blueberry Layer

This was a blast. No-bake, with a generous dose of coconut, complemented by a fresh fruit layer and chocolate icing.

Gluten-Free Strawberry Cake

A cake for the weekend or even for a celebration? This is a great dessert, beautiful to look at. What's more, it's a relatively fit recipe
Recipe preview Gluten-free Strawberry Cake
Photo recipe

Gluten-free Strawberry Cake

Do you have strawberries at home? Make this cake out of them. Gluten-free, lactose-free, made from all super ingredients.

Flourless Roll

Roll with peanut butter cream and apple jam. Excellent moist roll, full of great ingredients and also gluten-free.